99 millenia cranking on its own?


Asked by mharris520 May 10, 2012 at 02:15 PM about the 1999 Mazda Millenia 4 Dr STD Sedan

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

Just bought a '99 mazda millenia v6. When it is hot outside and i turn the key to crank the car, it cranks itself befor turning it all the way over and makes an  awful noise. i turn it off, and it does this several times (cranking on its own) before it will finally let me crank it and then once i crank it, it does not make the noise. when it cranks itself and i try to put it in gear, it squeals.. does this sound like a bad starter or is there more to this problem??

4 Answers


Not following exactly....do you mean the starter engages before you turn the key????


where i would usually turn the key (not all the way over) to just have the dash lights and radio on, it cranks itself at that point. as soon as i turn the key the car cranks before i even get it turned past the halfway point


That really sounds like a bad ignition switch. I would look into that right away you could be sending voltage spikes in bad places affecting the electronics.


Thank you! Onlookers who were in the parking lot earlier when it did it and made the noise seemed to think it was the starter but I wanted another opinion.. Thank you

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