white smoke and windows that don't de-mist is this head gasket or heater matrix

Asked by claire1984 Mar 30, 2013 at 02:01 PM about the Peugeot 306

Question type: Maintenance & Repair

car was over heating and water coming in through vents then smoke, vents only blowing cold air, white smoke from exhaust. found a leak and put k seal in, car now not over heating but windows will not demist despite warm air coming through vents and still white smoke from exhaust.

3 Answers


Sounds like a blown head gasket to me. Don't drive it. Get the compression checked to confirm.

1 people found this helpful.

I'm thinking that something like a leak in cooling system has led to head gasket going? Also mechanic who sold us the car is saying he replaced head gasket two years ago? I'm guessing 1.he is talking shit 2. Cheap head gasket 3. He did replace it but didn't sort the problem elsewhere leading to head gasket?


If it had a leak and over heated, it could have caused a blown head gasket. - It could have a warped head. That would have weaker spots in the gasket. I don't know if he had the head decked. That could have blown and introduced air in the cooling system. That would have caused some over heating. -- It was repaired well enough to last two years. It doesn't matter now. You're at a point to determine if you are going to fix the engine, replace the engine or sell the car.

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